Sunday, July 10, 2011

Letter Update

Tomorrow I am taking the entire scrapbook of letters to a professional to find out about having them scanned.  There are approximately 125 letters and each one is 3-5 pages long.  The cost will probably take my breath away.  The first letter I posted took well over two hours from beginning to end . . .

1.  scanned on home computer
2.  wireless printer downloads to home computer, not my laptop
3.  find the letter on home computer
4.  attach to email and send it to my email
5.  internet goes down
**  SCREAM **
6.  fiddle with internet
7.  email goes through
8.  large portion of letters have been cut off
9.  repeat steps 1-4
**  SCREAM ** 
10.  attempt to attach letters to blog
11.  blog will not accept the format of the letters
12.  go onto a blog 'help' site to figure out how to change format of letters
**  SCREAM ** 
13.  attempt to download the required program to change the format
14.  email someone from school district to get the password for download
15.  person gives me another way to change format
16.  attempt to get letters on the blog, but the 'insert image' button won't work
**  SCREAM ** 
17.  go back to the help screen
18.  problem solve and proceed
19.  start putting letter pages on blog, but they are in wrong order
20.  try to shift order, but have no luck
**  SCREAM ** 
21.  delete post and try again
22.  letters in wrong order
23.  delete post and try again
24.  success
** SIGH **

My husband stuck by my side the entire time . . . bless his heart!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like when I try to do stuff on my computer something that should be super simple and take just a few minutes turns into hours of fun and frustration!! Blessings, Chelle :D
